I shall expand a little bit more on the idea.
The evil bussiness "burk" who later dies in the sequels, sent the alien
spaceship to the base.
The alien spaceship lands on the planet.
The explorers/colonists find the aliens around christmas time.
The humans/grown ups get whiped out by the aliens, the stand little chance,
but the movie depicts some of it, in the flash backs of the children as they
have nightmares at night, was it just a nightmare or was it reality ?!
Kids get confused now and then.
During the flashbacks the story is told of how the happy children in the
base were getting ready to celebrite christmas and santa clause with their
parents. Little kids still believe in Santa Clause and therefore they got
more confused as something
comes down the pipes, some of them actually believe it's Santa Clause and
they start cheering ! While perhaps some grown ups start to feel unease...
because secretly down inside, this is not normal, this was not planned.
Yes it's a very nasty present waiting for them coming down the pipes... A
present they rather wish they would not have gotten for christmas.
And then the horror and slaughter unleashes... the parents get slaughter by
the aliens, the blood flows richly... the aliens are very hungry... they
haven't eaten in a while and most feed the gain in strength... they show now
mercy for most of the humans.
Some get taken/pulled away for the immenint breeding. Again more presents
for the children as they find their parents bursting an alien out of their
chests ! Not one little tiny alien, but this time multiple parents, and
multiple little aliens for increased horror effect.
The children fleeeeeww for the lives into the pipes... and the air ducts
vents make small work of those little pesky aliens... and they little nails
and fingers of the children are enough to kill a couple of these tinu little
baby aliens.
Unfortunately it was not enough, some little alien bases get away, perhaps
to rain terror on them later as they come back, perhaps slightly grown.
Perhaps little baby alien xenomorphs/like little alien children running
around and hunting the kids.
These little children xenomorphs are smaller and can walk/crouch run more
easily through the pipes... where the children hide... The kids will have to
defend themselfes with knifes.... perhaps later to find a flare gun in the
cabinet of one of their parents quaters.
The kids come up with a plan to use gasoline to throw over the aliens as
they walk through the pipes and some kids are on top of it and throw the
gasoline down, and then other kids try to burn the aliens with simple
firematches as they get up close...
and the flare gun is saved for the very big aliens if it ever comes to that.
Yes these kids are quiter the fighters eventually, cause it must be an
action movie (could also later be game ;) :)) However this is later in the
movie, first they are full of fear, then they put up a fight... then many of
them horribly die... the fire it goes wrong, they burn up themselfes, and
they burn up half the place... they do take out a few aliens... and then the
fear runs... the kids are no match for the aliens... and all they can do is
hide and stay hidden...
This is were some fok up.... and only newt is smart and lucky enough to
escape each time... newt can only watch as the others get taken... and she
decides to run and save her own life... there is nothing she can do against
the more powerfull aliens... she is too feared of dieing.
Later in the sequel she does get punished by god for this cowardlyness and
gets impregnated by alien and dies during the crash on the prison planet. So
god did have some mercy on her soul or so... she didnt suffer for too
long... it was all inside her dream. This is how the movie
could end... with a flash into the future mind of newt, as she spent her
last seconds wondering what is happening to her in hypersleep. In her dream
she kind knows that she is dieing in reality, but cannot wake up out of this
nightmare and shall perish.
She feels the alien chestburster in her nightmare ripping through her
skin... from the inside and outwards... camera flies through her body/vines
and organs and holes and airwaves as if they total disappear flies through
her body mounting into a FINAL SCREAM as she suddenly wakes UP !
Plus the chest burster hanging out of her delicious tittie body... and then
BOOOM crash into the planet and a flash... and that's it... end of movie !
;) :) The one thing she feared ultimately become reality. A nice good/bad
ending for a nice in between movie ! ;) :)
A good end + a bad end ;) :) Yes she did escape the planet, but no she did
not escape the alien threat and ultimately crashed landed into another
planet... taking away the pain.
One kid in the movie should were some kind of cap... like an old fashioned
cap out of the sixties or so... it was from his grand grand grand grand
daddy or so... been in the family for many many many generations throughout
time... only to fall to the prey of the aliens. Yes even caps are not safe
for aliens, they snatch it of his head and at the same time decapitating
half of his head. His brain exposed and bloody bits dripping onto the
ground... other kids screaming in total fear and horror and madness, running
away into all directions.
The aliens try to pursuit and cut them off, but the kids are very quick and
manage to out smart and out run the aliens by making quick turns into all
kinds of doorways and hatches. Slamming doors and auto-shutting hatches as
they go.... sliding down waste disposal tubes and air vents.
Each kid comes to horrible death by it's own. One kid gets stuck onto one
the air fans, and starts to spin around a little slow, slowwly, slowly, a
little bit more... the alien is coming... and the alien looks amuzed at the
kid stuck on the fan... he's like... hmmm that's an interesting meal...
spinning on the fan... "how shall I put my big mouth onto him ?" The alien
is not sure... he struggles a bit with this concept... his mind is
thinking... I've never been in a situation like this before... Then the
alien see s the power cord running through the fan... and he cuts the
The kid is stupid enough to think... that the alien might actually not be so
bad and is actually helping him trying to free him... and the kid looks
puzzled at him... like why did you do that ?! And then he with his big white
eyes looks up to the alien and HAP... the alien takes a bite out of his
head... and now the kid knows... what the alien is all about... his face is
gone and he drops onto the floor he goes into shock and shivvers on the
floor... and the aliens ribs his body further apart so he can eat the
internals of the kid more easily and drink it's blood.
Another kid is so much in panick he takes a very dangerous road through the
base... the road which has holes in the floor... he figures he has not
choice.. he must take a gamble onto that shakey floor... but it was a bad
choice... the floor crumbles and gives way to his weight... he falls through
one of the holes which was already weakened because of the acid slime that
dripped onto it during the battle with the grown ups... perhaps another
flash back... showing his this hole occured during the fight with the grown
The irony is... it was actually his own father who died at that very same
spot... and stabbed an alien with a huge knife... trying to kill it... but
instead creating a big pool of acid over him and the floor... the body of
the dad is long gone... taking and halfly eating by the aliens... perhaps as
the kid falls the identified card of his farther falls into his hands.. and
the kid realizes what happened her... he falls at the very same spot where
his dad died... so sad.
The kid falls waaaaayyyy down into the lower levels of the base... where
many aliens walk around... taking care of eggs, and food, and dead people
stuck to the walls... and he is snatched by one of the face huggers... and
he quickly gets grabbed by an alien with the facehugger still on it... and
he has stuck against the wall... and her something new happens, here it is
revealed how the aliens take a big shit on him... too cover him in gooey
stuff. He might still be alive for now but his days are numbered... in a
couple of days a chest burster will pop out of his hart area and then he
will painfull die as well.
Another kid while trying to help another kid by throwing gasoline over the
alien foks up and spils some gasoline on his legs and feet... and when the
other kid lights the fire... the flame shoots up through the duct which
sides were covered by the gasoline and the kid horribly catches fire...
faster then he ever imagined... there was some kind of gasoline explosion
which made the fire ball shoot up. He didnt see it on time.. because just at
that very moment he heard something on his right side... and he looks... and
he looks back.. and right then and there... the flame catches him... these
very few seconds were very unlucky for him... so is life... he runs off into
the distance... on fire trying to find water... never to be heard of
again... what happened to this kid remains a mystery... or perhaps in his
disappear he dives down the holes in the floor into the water/sewer system
trying to put out the burning flames... only the drown... he wasn't a very
good swimmer and his cloths were to heavy for him... and there was stuff in
the sewer that made it hard to swim... maybe even metal
debry/scrapnel/devices hanging on his legs... pulling him down.
I now have to take a piss.... and this is messing with my further ideas but
ok, I have to cut it short:
Some weaker ideas:
The kids eat peanuts and anything else they can find ;) Maybe they even eat
some flesh of the bones of the parents they found lieing dead here and
there... not all corpses were taken by the aliens... not all bones are
collected, some arms and legs get ripped off and provided some food for the
There could also be a situation where the kids decide there is not enough
food and one kid has to be sacrificed to make the aliens happy... and he
gets pushed out of the hiding place... or even worse... he gets tied up...
and left on the floor... for the aliens to find him... so that the kids
believe that this will please the aliens some what and leave them alone...
Maybe they even drink their own piss ;) :)
Maybe they simply eat each other... or the one that gets sacrificed ;)
Or maybe they have a big argument... and big fight... pretty much about
nothing... and they do something horrible... they luck one of the kids out
or push him somewhere or tie him up out of revenge out of frustation because
of their stituation. So kids also start to act like little monsters...
Another possible solution for the movie is that all kids are holy angels and
are the somewhat weaker heroes trying to survive. Perhaps a bit of both...
some kids are evil... and some kids are good.
Newt as intelligent as she is... also known as rebecca... knows this... she
sees it in the eyes of the kids. But not all kids are as smart, not all kids
notice it... and play along with the evil kids... newt knows that if she is
too survive she must fend for herself and must get rids of all of these
kids... she must turn into a lone ranger... never to be found by either the
evil kids or the aliens... the base is big enough to do this... and so she
does... she wanders off into the base... to find her ideal hiding spot.
The other kids go looking for her... out of curiosity sometimes... and
during one of these scoutings they encounter aliens and they are caught and
are taking down (not shown) but everybody knows what is going to happen to
them.. they will be cocooned.
Sometimes at night when the airvents shutdown for a few minutes to prevent
overheat the base is very quiet and she can hear the kids moan and cry...
it's a chilling experience/night... but she is though... she bares it during
the night... and hopes to get some shut eye... she is smart and puts little
fluffy things from her doll into her ears so she doesnt have to hear the
screaming and crying anymore... and thus she falls asleep and has some rest
to go on...
Newt slowly progresses into a trauma... as if she cannot believe what is
happening, the ear plugs offer some escapism to get away from it all. Her
mind is confused... is this really happening... or is it one gigantic long
dream/nightmare ?!
As she slowly wonders off into this trauma... the marines show up... and she
doesnt believe it... she is so confused she runs... but the marines finally
catch her ! And her nightmare is over for now... she is saved ! Linking up
to the aliens sequal.
Her tear rolls over her eyes... that finally she sees some nice human
beings... being kind to her... and taking her away from this horrible
place... not to far... still in the base... but better... and she is taking
care of...